Professor of Machine Learning Systems
Dept. of Computer Science & Tech.
University of Cambridge

Co-Founder and CSO
Flower Labs

Google Scholar

Flower Labs


Cambridge, UK – Dec. 17th 2019: Machine Learning Systems: On-Device AI and Beyond”, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge.

Seoul, South Korea – Nov. 5th 2019: The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing”, Samsung AI Forum.

London, UK – Sept. 9th 2019: The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing”, Continual and Multimodal Learning for Internet of Things (CML-IOT) — UbiComp ’19 Workshop.

Seoul, South Korea – June 17th 2019: The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing”, IoT Day — ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ‘19).



Bristol, UK – Oct. 18 2018: Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, SPHERE IRC, University of Bristol.

Oxford, UK – March 27th 2018: Beyond Counting Steps: Developing the Next-Generation of Mobile Health AI Devices”, Artificial Intelligence @ Oxford.

Seoul, South Korea – March 21st 2018: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”Samsung Research.

Athens, Greece – March 19th 2018: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (WristSense 2018).  [ Keynote Talk ]

Helsinki, Finland – Feb. 27th 2018: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology, University of Helsinki. 



Staines, UK – Oct. 18th 2017: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, Samsung Electronics Research Institute.

Niagara Falls, NY, USA – June 21st 2017:  “Accelerating Mobile Audio Sensing Algorithms through On-Chip GPU Offloading”, 15th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ’17).

Yorkshire, UK – May 24th 2017: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, University of Sheffield – CS Dept. 

Oxford, UK – March 29th 2017: “Scaling the Next-Generation of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Oxford University – CS Dept. 

Coventry, UK – March 16th 2017: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”University of Warwick  CS Dept. 



London, UK – Dec. 17th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, UCLIC Seminar Series – University College London.

Palo Alto, USA – Nov. 17th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, Facebook. 

San Diego, USA – Nov. 16th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, Qualcomm Research. 

London, UK – Sept. 23rd 2016: “Deep Learning for Embedded Devices The Next Step in Privacy Preserving High-Precision Mobile Health and Wellbeing Tools”, Deep Learning Summit. 

Cambridge, UK – Sept. 15th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, ARM Research Summit. 

Singapore – June 26th 2016: “DXTK: Exploring Deep Learning on Mobile and Embedded Platforms with the DeepX Toolkit”, 3rd International Workshop on Physical Analytics (WPA ’16).

London, UK – June 7th 2016: “Deep Learning for Embedded Devices: The Next Step in Privacy Preserving High Precision Mobile Mental Health Tools”, Digital Pragmatism – Center for Translational Informatics, King’s College London.

London, UK – May 18th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, EECS Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series, Queen Mary University of London.

Vienna, Austria – April 12th 2016: “DeepX: A Software Accelerator for Low-Power Deep Learning Inference on Mobile Devices”, 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN ’16).



Seoul, South Korea  Nov. 1st 2015: “An Early Resource Characterization of Deep Learning on Wearables, Smartphones and Internet-of-Things Devices”, International Workshop on Internet of Things towards Applications (IoT-App ‘15). 

London, UK  Sept. 25th 2015: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables and Phones”, Deep Learning Summit. 

Osaka, Japan  Sept. 9th 2015: “DeepEar: Robust Smartphone Audio Sensing in Unconstrained Acoustic Environments using Deep Learning?”, 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ‘15). 

Oxford, UK – June 8th 2015: “The Next Big Hurdle for Mobile Cyber-physical Systems”, University of Oxford  CS Dept. 

Florence, Italy – May 20th 2015: “ZOE: A Cloud-less Dialog-enabled Continuous Sensing Wearable Exploiting Heterogeneous Computation”, 13th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ‘15). 

Santa Fe, NM, USA  Feb. 13th 2015: “Can Deep Learning Revolutionize Mobile Sensing?”, 16th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ’15). 



Birmingham, UK – Oct. 6th 2014: “Population-scale Mobile Sensing Systems”, University of Birmingham  CS Dept.  

Seattle, WA, USA – Sept. 16th 2014: “Connecting Personal-scale Sensing and Networked Community Behavior to Infer Human Activities”, 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ’14). 

Beijing, China – July 30th 2014: “Population-scale Networked Mobile Sensing Systems”, Intel China Research Center. 

London, UK – May 16th 2014: “Population-scale Networked Mobile Sensing Systems”, Imperial College  EE Dept.

Tainan, Taiwan – May 13th 2014: “Smartphones, Crowds, and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, Mobile Sensing, Mining and Visualization for Human Behavior Inference Workshop. [ Keynote Talk ]

Hsinchu City, Taiwan – May 12th 2014: “How the Modern Smartphone became the Gateway Drug of the Mobile Sensing Revolution”, National Chiao Tung University. 

London, UK – March 19th 2014: “Enabling Population-scale Sensing Systems with Dynamic Inference Pipelines and Community Similarity Networks”, Imperial College  CS Dept. 

Zürich, Switzerland – March 18th 2014: “Enabling Population-scale Sensing Systems with Dynamic Inference Pipelines and Community Similarity Networks”, ETH Zürich  EE Dept.



Cambridge, UK – Nov. 15th 2013: “Smartphones, Crowds and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, University of Cambridge  CS Dept. 

Rome, Italy – Nov. 12th 2013: “Piggyback CrowdSensing (PCS): Energy Efficient Crowdsourcing of Mobile Sensor Data by Exploiting Smartphone App Opportunities”, 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ’13). 

Zürich, Switzerland – Sept. 11th 2013: “Preference, Context and Communities: A Multi-faceted Approach to Predicting Smartphone App Usage Patterns”, 17th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC ’13). 

Hong Kong, China – Aug. 16th 2013: “Smartphones, Crowds and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, 5th ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement (HotPlanet ’13). [ Keynote Talk ]

Taipei, Taiwan – June 24th 2013: “Towards Symbiotic CrowdSensing Systems”, Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center. 

Los Angeles, CA, USA – April 10th 2013: “Smartphones, Crowds and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, University of California  Los Angeles. 



Toronto, Canada – Nov. 6th 2012: “On the Feasibility of User De-Anonymization in Shared Mobile Sensor Data”, 3rd International Workshop on Sensing Applications on Mobile Phones (PhoneSense ’12). 

Tianjin, China – Oct. 27th 2012: “Opportunistic CrowdSensing”, Microsoft Resesarch Asia Faculty Summit. 

Beijing, China – Oct. 25th 2012: “Quantifying the Threat of User De-Anonymization in Shared Mobile Sensor Data”, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Tokyo, Japan – Sept. 4th 2012: “Opportunistic CrowdSensing”, Forum on Information Technology 2012 (FIT ’12). 

Tokyo, Japan – Sept. 3rd 2012: “Applications and Elements of Sensory Computing”, Aoyama Gakuin University. 

Bejing, China – April 16th 2012: “Opportunistic CrowdSensing”, 3rd International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects (CONET ‘12). 



Beijing, China – Sept. 27th 2011: “Windows Phone: An Enabling Platform for Smartphone Sensing Research”, 4th Microsoft Research Asia Joint Laboratory Symposium. 

Beijing, China – Sept. 21st 2011: “Enabling Large-scale Human Activity Inference on Smartphones using Community Similarity Networks (CSN)”, 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp ‘11). 

Beijing, China – Sept. 18th 2011: “Tapping into the Vibe of the City Using VibN”, 1st International Symposium on Social and Community Intelligence (SCI ’11). 

Dublin, Ireland – May 25th 2011: “BeWell: A Smartphone Application to Monitor, Model and Promote Wellbeing”, 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2011 (Pervasive Health ’11). 

Hanover, NH, USA – Feb. 23rd 2011: “Community-Guided Mobile Phone Sensing Systems”, Ph.D. Dissertation Defense. 



Copenhagen, Denmark – Sept. 28th 2010: “Hapori: Context-based Local Search for Mobile Phones using Community Behavioral Modeling and Similarity”, 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ‘10). 

Copenhagen, Denmark  Sept. 26th 2010: “Research in the App Store Era: Experiences from the CenceMe App Deployment on the iPhone”, 1st International Workshop Research in the Large: Using App Stores, Markets, and other Wide Distribution Channels in UbiComp Research. 

Atlanta, GA, USA  July 14th 2010: “Community-Guided Learning: Exploiting Mobile Sensor Users to Model Human Behavior”, 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ‘10). 

Santa Barbara, CA, USA  June 22nd 2010: “Halo: Managing Node Rendezvous in Opportunistic Sensor Networks”, 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS ’10). 

Beijing, China  May 13th 2010: “Mobile Phone Sensing: Big Data and Small Smart Phones”, Microsoft Research Asia. 

Hanover, NH, USA  Jan. 13th 2010: “Mobile Phone Sensing is the Next Big Thing!” (co-presented with Emiliano Miluzzo), Computer Science Department Symposium, Dartmouth College. 

Hanover, NH, USA – Jan. 9th 2010: “Classification Pipeline Tuning for Mobile Sensing Systems”, 3rd Annual Dartmouth Computer Science Research Symposium (CSRS ’10).  [ Best Presentation Award ]



Krakow, Poland  June 24th 2010: “SoundSense: Scalable Sound Sensing for People-Centric Sensing Applications on Mobile Phones”, 7th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ‘09). 



Raleigh, NC, USA  Nov. 7th 2008: “Sensing Meets Mobile Social Networks: The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the CenceMe Application”, 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ‘08). 

Sydney, Australia  May 22nd 2008: “Cooperative Techniques Supporting Sensor-based People-centric Inferencing”, 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive ‘08). 

Napa Valley, CA, USA  Feb. 25th 2008: “Urban Sensing Systems: Opportunistic or Participatory?”, 9th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ‘08). 



Sydney, Australia  Nov. 7th 2007: “The BikeNet Mobile Sensing System for Cyclist Experience Mapping”, 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ‘07). 

Cork, Ireland  June 25th 2007: “Ambient Beacon Localization: Using Sensed Characteristics of the Physical World to Localize Mobile Sensors”, 4th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets ‘07). 



Cambridge, MA, USA  May 30th 2006: “The Influence of Microprocessor Instructions on the Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor Networks”, 3rd IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets ‘06). 

Invited Talks



Cambridge, UK – Dec. 17th 2019: Machine Learning Systems: On-Device AI and Beyond”, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge.

Seoul, South Korea – Nov. 5th 2019: The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing”, Samsung AI Forum.

London, UK – Sept. 9th 2019: The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing”, Continual and Multimodal Learning for Internet of Things (CML-IOT) — UbiComp ’19 Workshop.

Seoul, South Korea – June 17th 2019: The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing”, IoT Day — ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ‘19).



Bristol, UK – Oct. 18 2018: Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, SPHERE IRC, University of Bristol.

Oxford, UK – March 27th 2018: Beyond Counting Steps: Developing the Next-Generation of Mobile Health AI Devices”, Artificial Intelligence @ Oxford.

Seoul, South Korea – March 21st 2018: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”Samsung Research.

Athens, Greece – March 19th 2018: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (WristSense 2018).  [ Keynote Talk ]

Helsinki, Finland – Feb. 27th 2018: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology, University of Helsinki. 



Staines, UK – Oct. 18th 2017: “Machine Learning Systems: On-device AI and Beyond”, Samsung Electronics Research Institute.

Niagara Falls, NY, USA – June 21st 2017:  “Accelerating Mobile Audio Sensing Algorithms through On-Chip GPU Offloading”, 15th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ’17).

Yorkshire, UK – May 24th 2017: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, University of Sheffield – CS Dept. 

Oxford, UK – March 29th 2017: “Scaling the Next-Generation of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Oxford University – CS Dept. 

Coventry, UK – March 16th 2017: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”University of Warwick  CS Dept. 



London, UK – Dec. 17th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, UCLIC Seminar Series – University College London.

Palo Alto, USA – Nov. 17th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, Facebook. 

San Diego, USA – Nov. 16th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, Qualcomm Research. 

London, UK – Sept. 23rd 2016: “Deep Learning for Embedded Devices The Next Step in Privacy Preserving High-Precision Mobile Health and Wellbeing Tools”, Deep Learning Summit. 

Cambridge, UK – Sept. 15th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, ARM Research Summit. 

Singapore – June 26th 2016: “DXTK: Exploring Deep Learning on Mobile and Embedded Platforms with the DeepX Toolkit”, 3rd International Workshop on Physical Analytics (WPA ’16).

London, UK – June 7th 2016: “Deep Learning for Embedded Devices: The Next Step in Privacy Preserving High Precision Mobile Mental Health Tools”, Digital Pragmatism – Center for Translational Informatics, King’s College London.

London, UK – May 18th 2016: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables, Phones and Things”, EECS Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series, Queen Mary University of London.

Vienna, Austria – April 12th 2016: “DeepX: A Software Accelerator for Low-Power Deep Learning Inference on Mobile Devices”, 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN ’16).



Seoul, South Korea  Nov. 1st 2015: “An Early Resource Characterization of Deep Learning on Wearables, Smartphones and Internet-of-Things Devices”, International Workshop on Internet of Things towards Applications (IoT-App ‘15). 

London, UK  Sept. 25th 2015: “Squeezing Deep Learning onto Wearables and Phones”, Deep Learning Summit. 

Osaka, Japan  Sept. 9th 2015: “DeepEar: Robust Smartphone Audio Sensing in Unconstrained Acoustic Environments using Deep Learning?”, 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ‘15). 

Oxford, UK – June 8th 2015: “The Next Big Hurdle for Mobile Cyber-physical Systems”, University of Oxford  CS Dept. 

Florence, Italy – May 20th 2015: “ZOE: A Cloud-less Dialog-enabled Continuous Sensing Wearable Exploiting Heterogeneous Computation”, 13th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ‘15). 

Santa Fe, NM, USA  Feb. 13th 2015: “Can Deep Learning Revolutionize Mobile Sensing?”, 16th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ’15). 



Birmingham, UK – Oct. 6th 2014: “Population-scale Mobile Sensing Systems”, University of Birmingham  CS Dept.  

Seattle, WA, USA – Sept. 16th 2014: “Connecting Personal-scale Sensing and Networked Community Behavior to Infer Human Activities”, 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ’14). 

Beijing, China – July 30th 2014: “Population-scale Networked Mobile Sensing Systems”, Intel China Research Center. 

London, UK – May 16th 2014: “Population-scale Networked Mobile Sensing Systems”, Imperial College  EE Dept.

Tainan, Taiwan – May 13th 2014: “Smartphones, Crowds, and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, Mobile Sensing, Mining and Visualization for Human Behavior Inference Workshop. [ Keynote Talk ]

Hsinchu City, Taiwan – May 12th 2014: “How the Modern Smartphone became the Gateway Drug of the Mobile Sensing Revolution”, National Chiao Tung University. 

London, UK – March 19th 2014: “Enabling Population-scale Sensing Systems with Dynamic Inference Pipelines and Community Similarity Networks”, Imperial College  CS Dept. 

Zürich, Switzerland – March 18th 2014: “Enabling Population-scale Sensing Systems with Dynamic Inference Pipelines and Community Similarity Networks”, ETH Zürich  EE Dept.



Cambridge, UK – Nov. 15th 2013: “Smartphones, Crowds and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, University of Cambridge  CS Dept. 

Rome, Italy – Nov. 12th 2013: “Piggyback CrowdSensing (PCS): Energy Efficient Crowdsourcing of Mobile Sensor Data by Exploiting Smartphone App Opportunities”, 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ’13). 

Zürich, Switzerland – Sept. 11th 2013: “Preference, Context and Communities: A Multi-faceted Approach to Predicting Smartphone App Usage Patterns”, 17th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC ’13). 

Hong Kong, China – Aug. 16th 2013: “Smartphones, Crowds and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, 5th ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement (HotPlanet ’13). [ Keynote Talk ]

Taipei, Taiwan – June 24th 2013: “Towards Symbiotic CrowdSensing Systems”, Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center. 

Los Angeles, CA, USA – April 10th 2013: “Smartphones, Crowds and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems”, University of California  Los Angeles. 



Toronto, Canada – Nov. 6th 2012: “On the Feasibility of User De-Anonymization in Shared Mobile Sensor Data”, 3rd International Workshop on Sensing Applications on Mobile Phones (PhoneSense ’12). 

Tianjin, China – Oct. 27th 2012: “Opportunistic CrowdSensing”, Microsoft Resesarch Asia Faculty Summit. 

Beijing, China – Oct. 25th 2012: “Quantifying the Threat of User De-Anonymization in Shared Mobile Sensor Data”, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Tokyo, Japan – Sept. 4th 2012: “Opportunistic CrowdSensing”, Forum on Information Technology 2012 (FIT ’12). 

Tokyo, Japan – Sept. 3rd 2012: “Applications and Elements of Sensory Computing”, Aoyama Gakuin University. 

Bejing, China – April 16th 2012: “Opportunistic CrowdSensing”, 3rd International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects (CONET ‘12). 



Beijing, China – Sept. 27th 2011: “Windows Phone: An Enabling Platform for Smartphone Sensing Research”, 4th Microsoft Research Asia Joint Laboratory Symposium. 

Beijing, China – Sept. 21st 2011: “Enabling Large-scale Human Activity Inference on Smartphones using Community Similarity Networks (CSN)”, 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp ‘11). 

Beijing, China – Sept. 18th 2011: “Tapping into the Vibe of the City Using VibN”, 1st International Symposium on Social and Community Intelligence (SCI ’11). 

Dublin, Ireland – May 25th 2011: “BeWell: A Smartphone Application to Monitor, Model and Promote Wellbeing”, 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2011 (Pervasive Health ’11). 

Hanover, NH, USA – Feb. 23rd 2011: “Community-Guided Mobile Phone Sensing Systems”, Ph.D. Dissertation Defense. 



Copenhagen, Denmark – Sept. 28th 2010: “Hapori: Context-based Local Search for Mobile Phones using Community Behavioral Modeling and Similarity”, 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ‘10). 

Copenhagen, Denmark  Sept. 26th 2010: “Research in the App Store Era: Experiences from the CenceMe App Deployment on the iPhone”, 1st International Workshop Research in the Large: Using App Stores, Markets, and other Wide Distribution Channels in UbiComp Research. 

Atlanta, GA, USA  July 14th 2010: “Community-Guided Learning: Exploiting Mobile Sensor Users to Model Human Behavior”, 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ‘10). 

Santa Barbara, CA, USA  June 22nd 2010: “Halo: Managing Node Rendezvous in Opportunistic Sensor Networks”, 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS ’10). 

Beijing, China  May 13th 2010: “Mobile Phone Sensing: Big Data and Small Smart Phones”, Microsoft Research Asia. 

Hanover, NH, USA  Jan. 13th 2010: “Mobile Phone Sensing is the Next Big Thing!” (co-presented with Emiliano Miluzzo), Computer Science Department Symposium, Dartmouth College. 

Hanover, NH, USA – Jan. 9th 2010: “Classification Pipeline Tuning for Mobile Sensing Systems”, 3rd Annual Dartmouth Computer Science Research Symposium (CSRS ’10).  [ Best Presentation Award ]



Krakow, Poland  June 24th 2010: “SoundSense: Scalable Sound Sensing for People-Centric Sensing Applications on Mobile Phones”, 7th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys ‘09). 



Raleigh, NC, USA  Nov. 7th 2008: “Sensing Meets Mobile Social Networks: The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the CenceMe Application”, 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ‘08). 

Sydney, Australia  May 22nd 2008: “Cooperative Techniques Supporting Sensor-based People-centric Inferencing”, 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive ‘08). 

Napa Valley, CA, USA  Feb. 25th 2008: “Urban Sensing Systems: Opportunistic or Participatory?”, 9th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ‘08). 



Sydney, Australia  Nov. 7th 2007: “The BikeNet Mobile Sensing System for Cyclist Experience Mapping”, 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ‘07). 

Cork, Ireland  June 25th 2007: “Ambient Beacon Localization: Using Sensed Characteristics of the Physical World to Localize Mobile Sensors”, 4th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets ‘07). 



Cambridge, MA, USA  May 30th 2006: “The Influence of Microprocessor Instructions on the Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor Networks”, 3rd IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets ‘06).